My progress on "Narsil" and "Andúril, Flame of the West". Currently working on the cross-guard. I am planning on creating both versions.
This project is throwing some rough curveballs however stepping aside is not an option.
For those who don't know the History of these long swords...
"Narsil" was a longsword wielded by King Elendil during the War of the Last Alliance, and used by his son, Isildur, to cut the "The Ring of Power" from Sauron's hand during the final battle of that war. It was later reforged into "Andúril, Flame of the West".
@duererThank you Ingmar. 😊 🙏 The easiest part (believe me) was the pommel below the grip that forms one part of the hilt.
The cross-guard was the part where I was struggling the most. If you start with bad topology and not plan ahead properly then you might as well start again.
You don't need to dream anymore Ingmar, you're achieving that dream already. I know you will be great one day.
We will have this discussion again soon in the near future when people start to give you the compliments I am receiving from you.
Yes, creative shrimp! You won't go wrong there.
Take care dear Ingmar.
bc_griffin 😀! Splitting such an object into several pieces, even if it looks like one piece (with the exception of the black handle part) certainly makes it easier for retopology. Or is this still the sculpted mesh 🤔? Please also take care of yourself dear Bennie 😊!
Oh, one question, @bc_griffin: Your sword consists of how many separate pieces?
bc_griffin, you're truely bringing Middle Earth to life. I'm totally fascinated 😀! Keep up the good work 👍!