Here is my entry for the “Low Poly Space Station Challenge 2021”.
I’ve learned so much from this challenge, from low poly modeling down to time management. This was my first attempt at low poly modeling and I’m so pleased with the outcome.
There were some mistakes I made throughout the entirety of pre- and post-production, but hey this is what a challenge is all about.
My goal at first was to create a low poly Space Shuttle launching into space meeting up with the Nemesis Space Station for fuel transfer, however, due to the amount of work that was required, I’ve decided to rather discard that part for a future project.
My love has been and will always be in character design. I took part in this challenge to prove to myself that I am capable of achieving so much more.
My WIP Timeline ---> https://cgcookie.com/questions/14729-space-station-challenge-2021-wip-nemesis#answer-55454
Congratulations man! Your station its amazing! Very realistic and stilyzed at same time! And the composition! Flawless!!!!
@adrian2301 Thank you Adrian. 😊 🙏
Well done
your one of the winners of the challenge 👍