27 loves
  • 27 loves

I have always liked cozy isometric rooms. And this is my first work in this direction.

  • LOVELY 🤩
  • Very nice!
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  • It is very quaint, I like the Marshall speaker on the shelf.

  • I want to live in it. It feels so cozy and comfortable. Beautiful work Svetlana!

    • Svetlana Romashenko(Sveta_Rom) author

      I love pictures of different rooms on Pinterest, I dream of someday creating coziness in my home.

      Thank you very much for such kind words!

  • Looks awesome! the isometric low-poly style is so charming

    • Svetlana Romashenko(Sveta_Rom) author

      I'm very happy, mate!
      It was a pleasure for me to work on this little project.

      I wish you success on your path!
      Thanks a lot!

  • Really love the style you've got going here. Very nice work!

    • Svetlana Romashenko(Sveta_Rom) author

      I really wanted to know how to achieve this style. Subdivision and subdivision again, ahah. And light.

      Thank you very much for your support!
      I'm really happy! 🌾

  • As smooth as it gets. The fact you can keep looking and seeing different details.. i'm even trying to work out what the record is! Absolutely love this

    • Svetlana Romashenko(Sveta_Rom) author

      It was a real test for me to fill the room with such different little things. Especially in the closet, haha.

      But I really wanted to make a model that I would like to look at and notice something new.

      And on the vinyl record the label of the old Soviet recording studio "Melody".
      In terms of color, it fits perfectly into the overall color scheme.

      thank you for your feedback! 🌿

  • Adrian

    Wow! this is stunning!
    I love it, the style is very cozy.

    Staff Picked 🏆

    • Svetlana Romashenko(Sveta_Rom) author

      Oooo, thank you so much, Adrian!
      It's a great joy and surprise for me to be chosen by the mentors.
      And such kind words from you inspire to move on. ✨

  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Ok this is just lovely and awesome. Wins the award for most lovely and awesome render submission. It's not a real award, but I hand them out anyways. Extremely good job Svetlana.

    • Svetlana Romashenko(Sveta_Rom) author

      You have no idea how happy I was to read your comment and receive this award, even if it's not real, ahah. Thanks a lot for your support, Omar!

    • Svetlana Romashenko(Sveta_Rom) author

      Thanks a lot for your comment, Bennie. I'm very glad you liked it! I love these tiny details.