BC1-1908 Homework - Katerina Novakova


My homework thread. 

  • Katerina Novakova(shiennar) replied

    WIP 14: Environment details

    I was lucky enough to find an effect I like. It looks a bit painterly and geometrical at the same time, and (at least for now) I think it fits the mood I'm after.

    Here is a node tree for one of the bushes. I'm almost ashamed to admit that the whole look is driven by one colour ramp:

    I found out that the third parameter in Voronoi Texture (currently set to 2nd Closest) can produce interesting results, so I just ran with it. (I don't pretend to know how the procedurals work exactly. I just push and pull until it looks like... something.) And I was so happy that it did something that I applied it everywhere. Even in the background. I might need to re-think that in the final render, but it can stay for now.

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    shiennar Very nice Kat... it's time, let it begin

  • Katerina Novakova(shiennar) replied

    Homework submission - Week 3

    Many environmental maps later (honestly, I spend way too much time fiddling with those), I finally have two renders, one for Eevee, the other for cycles. Can you guess which is which? :-)

    As a side note on the post-processing, I originally had a vignette set up, but I removed it because I didn't like how it interacted with the background. Instead I dodged the highlights in Krita (one of my tried and trusted post-processing hacks - it nicely brightens the scene).

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    shiennar this looks awesome! I think the first one is Eevee. Great job Kate as always :)

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    shiennar Top one is Eevee, her............................... no noise, no sin, gives a nun away.  

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    dostovel Hadn’t even looked at noise, I find the shadows always give it away ;)

  • Katerina Novakova(shiennar) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 dostovel You are both right, of course. :-) I even think I like the Eevee version better. But I definitely need a refresher on how to set up the indirect lighting, it's been a while since I played with probes.

  • Clint Johnson(clintjohnson) replied

    hehe, I love those little mugs :) and the overall scene and texture.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    shiennar What a clever solution to the leaf texture, Kate. I really like the use of procedural for that situation. If I stare too hard at the leaf texture it can feel a touch too geometric and jagged compared to everything else HOWEVER when seen in context, it's perfect. The trees and bushes read less as blobby masses because the subtle foliage texture makes my brain accept that they're leafy and its easier to focus on the barrels.

    Overall the final result is so pleasant; so appealing. You've got a gift for that kind of aesthetic as I remember it in your other works as well. So I have very little to critique - really nothing to critique. It's an A+ in my book, easily. Once again you did excellent work this class 👏

    PS: The Eevee VS Cycles comparison is super close! Only thing that gave away the Eevee-ness was this bright spot under the largest barrel:

    I thought for sure that would be caught in darker ambient occlusion, as it is in the Cycles version. Still how impressive is Eevee in this case!

  • Paul Haynes(paulhaynes1955) replied

    Excellent work, Katerina.