BC1-1908 Homework, Mona Loren


Day  01

I decided to join the class because I have problems to get used to Blender 2.8.
The change to 2.5 was already hard and now once again. A barrel can always be useful,
.."Fifteen men on a dead man's chest
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!.."

Bottle? hmm! I am from the north, we store good stuff in barrels ;)

Music for Blender-Modeling Fifteen Men

Now I am ready to go ;)
The challenge in the challenge.I decided to practice the modifier combination array and curve.
I also use the lattice modifier for the shape.
For the metal rings I used the shrinkwrap modifier.
This caused some trouble because I want some kind of junction with nails.
I also want to do this only one time for all with CTRL-L - linked Data.
That doesn´t work.
I had to apply the shrinkwrap and have to do this for each ring separatly.
So far I only have one of the rings.

I have less time this week but I surely make the fine tunig until Sunday

This is my second Blender 2.8 Model ( I made the palm-tree) and it is okay for me so far.
Just not as fast as I want.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hi mona, maybe use the same Lattice for the barrel and the rings? Might be easier than the Shrinkwrap...

  • silentheart00 replied

    Hey, it's a good effort so far.  Good for you for challenging yourself by using modifiers.  There is still plenty to learn, and that's okay.  It's perfectly okay to experiment and make mistakes.  You got this.

  • Mona Loren(monaloren) replied


    Oh ;)  I didn`t think of that. Although I`ve tried a lot. I´ll try that. Thank you.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    I grant you 57 gold coins for that clever modifier solution! Love that. Thank you for sharing your approach.

    Glad to have you back in class, Mona! I suspect by the end of these 3 weeks, if not by the end of this week, 2.8 will feel more natural than 2.79 :)

    PS: Your music recommendation was 👌. Makes me want to listen to a pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Dang, real clever there! I honestly completely forgot about Lattice about now, so thanks for that.

  • Mona Loren(monaloren) replied

    @ )silentheart00

    Thank you for your motivation.
    During my "Blender-Life" I have learnded how normal and important it is to make mistakes.
    And sometimes I have to remember it again ;)

    @ theluthier

    This is not my idea honestly. It is a CG-Cookie Learning Flow.Modeling with Modifiers

    I was always exited about it.However, often had problems to implement it to my models, expecially this tire.
    I have already made a barrel with modifiers in Blender 2.79 during the "30-Day-Modeling" Challenge.
    But this barrel is a perfect chance to train it together with Blender 2.8

    @ thecabbagedetective

    see above - its not really my idea ;)
    but I agree this lattice is very useful

  • Kent Trammell replied

    This is not my idea honestly. It is a CG-Cookie Learning Flow. Modeling with Modifiers

    mmonaloren  Haha I have a hard time keeping up with all our courses 😅

  • Mona Loren(monaloren) replied

    Day 2

    To use the Lattice for both doesn´t work well. For the rings the Lattice needs more resolution. But I changed the workflow and made the seems before using the modifier. Thats ended up with a cleaner result.

    Using an Lattice for the rings works in generell. I think I need a little more practice with this modifier. Both are suitable for adjusting the rings. For me the Shrinkwrap works a bit better this time.

    The rings are not completely uniform. But..hey - barrels are handmade. It´s okay for me.

    I´ve deleted the subdivision and unsing Shade Smooth and Mark Sharp. So it fits better to the style. I haven´t made a stylized model so far. This will be interesting.  Those nails made me crazy because they would not snap correctly. I checked the pivot point, cursor, the settings etc. several time. Suddenly it worked and I don´t know why. So I saved the file very fast.

    Then drill out a hole and close it and ready day 02. There are still some clean ups etc. to do.

  • Ingrid Frank(Fide) replied

    mmonaloren looking good so far! I think it adds some charme that the rings aren´t uniform :)

  • silentheart00 replied

    mmonaloren Nice work!  Sorry to hear about the wonky 2.8 functions.  Wonder what that was about.

  • Mona Loren(monaloren) replied

    @ fide thank you. unperfection is our friend - like Kent used to say;)

    @ silentheart00 I think I missed a setting somewhere. Blender 2.8 is new for me and I was tired

    PS: How do I do this  @name ? Can´t figure it out sadly.

  • Mona Loren(monaloren) replied

    Day 3 result

    Because I don´t wont to "destroy" the barrel I made a wooden stand.
    Working with 2.8 often needs a lot of patience for me. But it´s slightly better than feared.
    I am not at home tomorrow (great family event so I have to do the details on sunday.

    Working with 2.8 often needs a lot of patience for me. But it´s slightly better than feared.
    I am not at home tomorrow (great family event ), so I have to do the details on sunday.

    Destroying the wooden stand for example

  • Mona Loren(monaloren) replied

    BC1-1908 Homework submission week 1, Mona Loren

    Time is undervalued. But I finished the homework for week1. It needed a lot of time to find the new settings etc. for Blender 2.8. But it got better day by day. And this is the reason why I am in the class - to force myself to work with 2.8. So I reached my goal for the first week ;)

    My own challenge (to built with modifiers in 2.8) also worked well.

    I also wanted to include the content of the treasure chest course, expecially these "destroyer-part" and so I build a wooden stand for the barrel. Needs some practice these dents and a lot of patience, but is also fun. 

  • Avi Rozenboim(avirozenboim) replied

    love what you did mmonaloren , Was very helpful for me that you shared the modifies you used. I did not even know what Shrinkwrap is doing and thanks to you, I read about and managed to use it to add the rings and other objects in my barrel. You saved me (without knowing ) a lot of time - so thanks and nice work!

  • Mona Loren(monaloren) replied

    avirozenboim I´m very glad I could help. This modifier combination has caused me a lot of headaches since that tire exercises.

    I have practiced it over and over again because I find it very useful for several things e.g the chains, the columns.

    It was very tricky in the beginning but now I guess I have figured it out;)

  • silentheart00 replied

    mmonaloren Good for you!  Taking the first step is the hardest, but keep at it and it will be second nature in no time.  Consistent practice is better than once in a while practice.

    The barrel looks clean from a modeling standpoint.  Now rough it up a bit!  You got this.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    mmonaloren It's great to have you in class again, Mona :) You barrel + holder/rack turned out well. I only wish some of that rack wood detail made it into the barrel planks too. Perhaps that's just my preference though.

    With your primary goal being to force yourself into 2.8, I'm glad to hear you've achieved it. Overall it's a solid model worthy of an A from me 👍

    It will look awesome textured!

  • Mona Loren(monaloren) replied

    @theluthier Thank you Kent.
    That a kind of telepathy;).
    I was very focused on the modifiers I want to practiced.
    And I need a lot of time to find all the settings in 2.8. and then I had no more time ( an my brain was tired) to think about more details
    I guess for these dings and dents an other solution would be more efficient.
    I am just rebuilding the barrel this week and will use data link options and made the wood rough.
    All these "smart" stuff from the treasure course. And I am already realized thats a good exercise, too. I had some problems to solve

  • Mona Loren(monaloren) replied

    I only wish some of that rack wood detail made it into the barrel planks too

    I wanted to try all these  "smarter than harder workflows" from the treasure chest course.
    Mirror, Linked Data, Linked Material, Linked Modifier, Linked UVs etc.

    So I have modeled the barrel again.
    This time I started with a 16 segment cylinder, separate parts, bevel, extrude etc.
    and delete 11 and worked on 5 unique parts for the details.

    To avoid repititions I have used a very secret code ;)

    I had some problems understanding how "Align View to Active" works correctly and made some mistakes

    BTW: @theluthier I am very grateful for the subtitles in the treasure course.
    That helped me a lot for understanding especially these Data_link-Topic

    So I worked harder than smarter on this smarter than harder topic.
    Now I hope to get along well with the texture painting.

  • Mona Loren(monaloren) replied

    BC1-1908 Homework Submission Week 2, MonaLoren

    Have finished painting my second barrel (with cracks). This was my second texture paint exept for the axe.Really not very intuitive and still many settings to discover.

    The unwrapping part worked well. For the wooden stand I decided to organize the parts manuell because the "Pack Island" options result was not as a precise as I wanted to.

    Baking the Dirty Vertex Color also was okay with one exeption.
    Subdivide the wooden stand led to some ugly empty space on the high poly mesh.Caused by the triangles i guess.
    I clean this up manuell and its worked.
    Also I used as blend type "value" instead" of "overlay". I thought it was nicer;)

    I am still a little irritaded by the viewport shading and its options.
    Sometimes it showed my texture extremely dark, than no texture at all...but not really a useful representation for me to worked with. I played a lot around ;)
    For this homework I decided to use LookDev which comes closest to my texture color.

    Overall this week was not easy because I modeled the barrel again and there was not so much time for painting. But on this way I learned a lot.
    Now I am very exited about shading&lightning.