BC4-1810 Homework, Zsolt Cseh


Welcome everyone in my BC4-1810 class room, feel free to comment/critique the submissions as I would like to learn

Week 1 - Lighting a Simple Bedroom 

Week 1 - Shading a Toy Truck  

Week2 - Vehicle Lighting 

Week2 - Lighting Match #1 Week3 - Character Lighting  

Week3 - Lighting Match #2

Week4- Architecture Visualization

Week4- Lighting Match #3

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 Thanks a lot Miranda for the advice, I doubled the power of that lamp to see the lilac color more.

    Anyway poor Giraffe had to participate also in this exercise, inspite of that I planned him/her as a test or similiar size of object, knowing that probably the model is too smooth on the side in comparison to a robot in the reference.

    In the final version wanted to use rather the flowers (from the August class) in a vase or something for this composition. But okay that stayed really for another time