Wow, this was awesome.

Thanks for the great tutorial. I think this just blew my mind how quickly you did that. I will have to put this one in my back pocket to come and review often. I am not experienced enough to remember each step but it was not an overly complex process either.

What exactly was the script/macro that you were talking about in the beginning of the video (video time 0:26)? I guess you are talking about a previous workflow's work?

  • Thibaut Bourbon(tbrbn) replied

    blanchsb Glad you enjoyed it! There is no unique way to proceed, so best is to remember each isolated basic case and adjust based on the target's shader.

    I refer to this tutorial, which describes a method to project a picture on any given surface wile preserving topology. If you haven't watched it yet I recommend checking it as well to understand how it works. Since it requires quite a few steps, I wrote a python script (the one I refer to in the beginning) to skip all these steps. The script is available on the resources (QuickCaster addon).

    Let me know if you ave any issue!


  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    Sounds great. I will take a look TB.

    Thanks a bunch!