Awesome explanations!!

This topic is so far over my head. I only  know one language, English lol. So to learn a coding language is something of an entirely new dimension, but I really appreciated your explanation to help understand X,Y,Z using fingers.

No doubt I'll be watching this course through a few times, but I am appreciating the explanations and breakdowns.


  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    That's great to hear Ben! I will say this course is a bit older, so some parts may be slightly outdated, but for the most part everything information wise is still applicable. This course is an updated version just released this year and goes into a few more areas of Unity scripting wise:

  • Ben Smith(bennersftw) replied

    Fantastic dude!! 

    I've gotten used to a lot of the tutorials I've watched on Youtube and such being dated. That's how it goes in the digital age lol. I'm always looking for tips and tricks that are timeless despite versions be dated. The XYZ finger technique, is one of those timeless concepts that helps across all 3D programs. :)

    I'll be keeping that tab open to absorb all of the info!

    Thanks Jonathan, keep up the great work!

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    Thanks! If you have any questions let me know.