
Work Final

I work for a construction company designing building layouts. sometimes I end up doing Arch pre-viz work as well. nothing super detailed but just enough to give customers a better feel for what the blueprints represent. this is one of those. one thing that comes up frequently in that work is the use of flagstone wall finishes like on the front columns here. I've been trying for a while to create a decent looking procedural texture for that. it may not look like it here but i think i'm getting close. that said, due to time constraints i usually end up just building the dang things fairly quickly by chopping up some geometry with the knife tool and such.
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  • I figured this is your angle. I love procedural textures. There are some great image textures available for this. Then there is the computing overhead to consider as well. I agree it is nice to not unwrap. Square columns not so much fuss though. Enjoy. Your gig sounds delightful. ;)

  • daedaljs author

    yea the bit at the bottom of the column is caused by me trying to skew the perfect alignment of the other generated textures i was using since the flagstones aren't always perfectly chiseled... or these days molded. it ended up affecting the lines on a larger scale than i wanted it to... very much so in some places.

    no bias really just that a good procedural texture/material (at least the way i aim to make them) requires less uv work if any so they can just be thrown on quickly and just have their colors tweaked. i guess it's kind of a do more work now to save even more work later kind of thing.

  • These look good. The base of the column to my left is a bit out of plumb. Is there a bias against image textures?