
Underwater Slaver WIP 2 Work In Progress

2 loves

Still a bit to do:

Much more detail on shell house

Fish off detail on angler

More details on all textures

Add rocks and coral to the ocean floor

I would really appreciate any feedback please 😃

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  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    Hello Shannon. I like it when things get a bit unhinged. Like if there's a fish, then it must underwater, but then why is there a cabin with lights there? maybe there lives under water people? And there's a shell on the roof? Or maybe that's ice cream and ice cream makers live there the fish comes to the cabin, connects via the tube and gets its ice cream fix of the day. I like it.

    As you say, there's still a lot to do, a work in progress, so I'd say the mistake I make the most and I try to avoid it is that I want people to see everything I worked on and I restrain myself to add volumetrics and such that would occlude the view. It's underwater, don't be afraid to make things a bit dark and foggy. Try and have a center of attention on what's being lit, like maybe let the cabin be the center of attention and let the fish get a bit dark and gloomy, like it's coming out of the dark murky waters. Try to think of that composition head of time. Maybe it's the fish that you want at the center of attention, so the lights on the cabin are not very powerful and the fish has one of those bio-luminescence antenna. Have particles that are floating on the water. Think of, is it very deep below and no light from the surface reaches? Is it not so down below and maybe you can add god rays from the surface. Try thinking about the depth of field, what do you want to be in focus? Where do you want to place the camera? is the fish surprising the shack? Maybe the camera is on the front door, kinda looking up and you can see the fish menacing towering over the house? Don't worry about adding details all over the sea floor that occludes the sand you worked so hard on.

    It has a lot of potential, keep working on it, go the extra mile, add details and think of the story. I'd be cool to see the end result. Keep on rocking in the free world.

    • t
      Shannon (treecalledgroot) author

      Thanks Omar, you are a legend! I'm thinking the householders have captured the fish and are enslaving it to light their house. Im going to add chains to the fish and make the house far more badass looking to get the story across.

      You have made some super helpful points for me, that will go a long way in improving this image, for me so thanks a lot, I really appreciate it