
[UPDATED] Nintendo Switch Final

UPDATE: Decided to take the criticisms I received - like 3 months later - and improve the materials and lighting. I think it really "pops" more now. Well this certainly took a while. Been pretty much glued to my PC for 4 days (would've had this up yesterday but I noticed some misplaced materials during the animation so I had to redo it) but I get the feeling this is more normal than I think. Whilst I do think this is an improvement over my last project it has its problems, the biggest being topologically (that's a word now) speaking this thing is a mess, the subsurf modifiers helped a lot though and I converted as many N-gons to tris as I could (which to my limited understanding is the lesser of two evils). Also other stuff like the triggers not being symmetrical ('cause I'm so inexperienced I didn't think to model everything both Joy-Cons share and then use a mirror modifier haha) and the Joy-Cons being waaaay too shiny. I think however my overall modeling, shading and lighting skills are better, if only some by a tad. Quite proud of this now but seeing as I've only been properly doing this whole Blender thing for a couple months I hope to look back eventually and really see the improvements I've made. Criticisms and solutions to them are as always appreciated, I know I really need to start the modeling learning flow and the shader forge but does anyone know if there's any advanced lighting courses on here? Don't think I've seen any. Either way thanks for having a look and I hope you like it.
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