
Tower Defense game concept maps Final

This video game project did not got made. At the end of 3 bumpy years of development this was the last bit of work I made for it. The project was quietly shelved and we all moved on with our lives. Backstory aside the 12 maps were meant to showcase the lore we had written up to that point as well as to showcase that we could have a variety of styles and a bit of narrative as well. Many technical headaches we went through were taken into consideration in making these (we had no gameplay or buildings). There were a lot of duplicated assets on these to make map work quicker as well as to make it read like a game as best as possible. All things painted in Photoshop, C&C welcome.
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  • orsonm author

    noonespecific Thank you man! much appreciated. The barrels is a good catch, I had a hard time making things look isometric, I had some success with square shaped objects, but circle shapes were a little mixed.

  • Absolutely gorgeous. I think it's a testament to your ability that you can make something with so much repetition look unique with just the right amount of detail. I just love looking closely at it. The only thing I noticed was the perspective on the barrels and logs in the top picture. It looks a little different than the other objects. But dang, great details!