So I decided to go back and finish the shark I made for the intro to digital sculpting course. If you look through my gallery you'll find the original shark I did during the class "Harold". But this was the shark I made to turn in as the assignment. It was a lot of fun and brought it's own set of challenges. When I first started sculpting him I had realized at the time that I had never done an open mouth before. Several months later and I'm quick modeling a Tommy Gun to put in it. Fun fact, the Fedora was made out of Harold's Bowler hat. Any who, let me know what you think. I also included a few videos I made for it.
@theluthier Oh wow, I had to take some time off recently to work on other things, but thank you for that and the feature! You definitely addicted me to sculpting, thats for sure.
HAHA th etick tock vid!! Cracking me up
Oh my - I LOVE this 🤩
Brilliant execution and unique result!
And I always thought that "ordinary" sharks 🦈 were already dangerous 😱! But this friendly contemporary has armed 🔫! Excellent work, William
willcrespo 👍!
@waylow hahaha, ty sir.
Awesome work Crespo!
Standing ovation and a slow clap. (but the respectful kind not the sarcastic ones)