
Shore Trooper Final Final

Hello! So it is to a point now that I can't work on him anymore... life happened ;D. I may go and give him a blaster sometime or touch this and that up. But for now I need to put time into other important things. I am happy with how he turned out for the most part. I learned a ton and will not make some of the same mistakes again :b. The cloth goods and some materials are not quite to my liking, but I will work on learning more about those subjects for next time. Thanks to the CG cookie team and community for getting me started in blender!!!! I never would have been able to make it without you guys! Everything in Blender Cycles. Render time: 5 minutes 23 seconds Textures: Painted by hand in Blender. (cloth texture from and smoke from google) Any tips, tricks or things I need to work on, I would love to hear! Have an awesome day! Cheers, Thomas a.k.a Rex
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