
Pressed start button Final

After starting this project around 6-8 months ago, I couldn't keep up with it and left it incomplete. I always wanted to learn Blender. A few weeks back with renewed energy, I started again from scratch and I'm glad I could complete it this time. Challenges were there but my determination was strong this time. I made many mistakes and went on the internet to search for them and solve them. In this process only I learned a lot, and how did I manage to keep myself motivated? I took a break when I understood this is difficult and there's no simple fix. I would watch something else or mostly final video renders of stuff made with Blender. I would look at them with wide open eyes and be shocked that there's so much to learn and explore I can't give up now. So after a few hours or days of break, I would come back. Not giving up is the key to completion, even if you increment a little it is a victory. One should never compare themselves with other's progress. Also, a tip if something is not looking right or incorrect don't try to fix it, just delete it and restart it from scratch. You will end up spending more time fixing it, and also it doesn't fix properly even if it does you will realize you have wasted a lot of time and energy on it. Still not there yet but eventually I will learn. Thanks CG Cookie!
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  • Omar Domenech(Dostovel)

    That is the perfect all encompassing attitude one needs to have to tackle something as massive as learning Blender. Kudos Sanket, now onto the next project, go, go, go 🤙