
Monster Sculpt Work In Progress

Got myself a new graphic tablet and started sculpting. Made this by following @theluthier 's awesome tutorial, that is, just the sculpting part, since I didnt do the retopology yet. I enjoyed making it a lot, but I will probably retopologize it sometime in the future and continue sculpting other stuff for now, because its just too much fun.
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  • Thanks @theluthier :) following the tutorial wasn't difficult at all, honestly I probably wouldn't realize it's that old if you weren't so hyped up about dyntopo being this new big deal. Dyntopo was really the only big difference, since back then it didn't have too many options. But all the other things like gradually increasing detail level or correct anatomy are still equally relevant today. Maybe the further parts of the course it will be harder to follow though, but I didn't get to that yet.

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    Excellent result tomasplasil! I had to take a close look that it wasn't my original sculpture. Great work 👏

    Since it is such an old course, was it difficult following along or were you able to translate to modern Blender well enough?

  • Nice work, this one goes way back in time. :-)