duerer thanks man! Yeah, I fell in love with the moka pot and love that dirty feeling it develops when used. I appreciate it!
Hey, that's my moka pot! How did you get it 😉! No, seriously, excellent work created with a lot of love for detail 😀👍!
acapier Thank you so much man! Ooooo, I can totally see the winter vibe in this! Hah, that's awesome!
I love the cooler tone of this one...it makes me think of a cold, winter morning. Also, you can see the gas flame better 😀
A really outstanding job on the photorealism!
Hey, that's my moka pot! How did you get it 😉! No, seriously, excellent work created with a lot of love for detail 😀👍!
I love the cooler tone of this one...it makes me think of a cold, winter morning. Also, you can see the gas flame better 😀
A really outstanding job on the photorealism!