Your Blender questions answered in real time.

Your CG Cookie subscription gives you access to these courses, these people, and an entire Blender community learning together.

What is Office Hours?
How it Works.
- Instructors will list their available office hours as a topic in the Community Forum.
- Cg Cookie Citizen members can submit topics and questions they would like the instructor to tackle during that hour.
- The instructor will host a live conversation with a small group of participating subscribers on discord to cover as many topics and questions as they can in the allotted hour.
- Everyone is welcome to tune in on discord for the hour and a few citizens who suggested topics and asked questions will be invited to participate in a small group discussion during office hours.

Update June 21st, 2023
Hey everyone,
This is the last week for Office Hours.
For the past few months, CG Cookie’s team of instructors has made themselves available to have an open mic to answer questions from our community, and it’s been a lot of fun. So many exciting projects and questions from the community. ❤️
As this experiment ends this week, please join me in a massive thank you to the instructors for making themselves available, sometimes at odd hours, to help elevate those in the community. If they were helpful to you, please let it be known below.
We’re passionate about helping you make cool stuff with Blender and will continue to innovate and evolve ways we can mentor and help those also looking to wield the power of Blender.
If you did participate in Office Hours, we’d love to hear from you either below or by answering a few quick questions below.
Submit your Office Hours feedback - https://form.typeform.com/to/kr1dzrgQ
Thanks again and happy Blending!
Wes Burke
Founder, CG Cookie