• R
    Rita G

    Virus is ruining lots of businesses as here in Ireland. Shops on my street has to close for few months for new road works. New facelift for the entire road.

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Hello Spikey

  • spikeyxxx

    Hi everybody!

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Yeah that's what has been on my mind, applying now and see if luck strikes, if not apply again later when things get back on its feet

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Yes, I did a freelance job after months of not wanting to do any, it is very tiresome to have an 8 to 5 regular job and then have the pressure of a freelance job waiting for you

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    There's no harm in applying now and getting a feel for it. You can always apply again later.

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    Ugh this virus ruins everything...you could ramp up your freelance presence till the world gets back on its feet

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    I'm trying to decide if it's worth to start applying for jobs now or if it's better to wait until the world reopens

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    I don't know how things are looking on the studios for 3D though

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    The childhood friend, she is a graphic designer, that's what I do at the bank right now, she says all her Canadian friends have lost their graphic design jobs

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The mega collaboration...finished?!

Scheduling this stream 2 months in advance, it's plausible that we will be nearing completion of the whole model. My prediction is that during this stream we will be tying up lose ends and talking through finalizing our pieces.

A CGC Community Project

This complex model is a collaborative effort between instructor and Citizen members. If you're interested in the project please jump over to the Forum Thread to learn more!

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