2.82 vs 2.83 Hair Cloth Difference.

Ran this blend file in 2.82 and 2.83.... 2.82 runs fine but 2.83 creates a BAD HAIR DAY effect. Checked and no in 2.83 I set hair to particle and not Cloth when testing to duplicate 2.82. Get bad hair day.... changed hair to cloth edit in particle editor and same bad hair day. No cloth in the physics only collision for the main character.

any thoughts of what else I can check or do?


  • Chuck Shultz(fxswan) replied

    I should add this hair is right on the character and not a skull cap...

  • spikeyxxx replied

    I can't find any difference in hair between 2.82 and 2.83.

    Could it have anything to do with the fact that you are on a different frame in 2.83? (You also have Auto Keying on...)

  • Chuck Shultz(fxswan) replied

    Never thought of auto-keying.... I use Cloth weaver to make the basic robe parts... and then after applying the modifiers, I delete the keys on time=1...  but did not note auto-keying.... will try that in 2.83 and see if it is on in 2.82A when I opened the file up in that version.


  • Chuck Shultz(fxswan) replied

    still lost as to this problem.... after reading the 2.83 manual and it's differeneces to 2.82A I am wondering if somehow I accidentally messed wit the Particle Editor option when doing hair... i.e. moving hair particles around on the mesh. what ever it is it continues to be associated with 2.83 since 2.82A works ok.... 

    stepping backwards and focusing on the model itself then go back to doing hair after I get the rest done where I want it.

    Thanks for being there 

    really appreciate it.