Is there a way that I can use my own arms in the project.

Is there a way I can retarget or use my own arms in the project?

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Sure! I'm not sure of a fast way to retarget though except by using copy constraints. It'll work if they happen to be similar dimensions, but if your arms are differently shaped (e.g. actually have five fingers or are different in length) you may just want to animate them from scratch. 

  • neal12300 replied

    Thanks for the fast reply :) Do you know any tutorials on YouTube or your site that could help me rig the arms I have.  

  • neal12300 replied

    Thanks for the fast reply :) Do you know any tutorials on YouTube or your site that could help me rig the arms I have.  

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    We don't have any specifically on rigging arms, so here are a few I found on YouTube: