Homework Submission Jumpin' JellyFish!

@theluthier What a great course! I modeled 3 different jelly heads and 3 or 4 different internals. I really had a lot of fun with cloth physics, lattices, arrays, beziers, and hair particles. So much stuff I don't have experience in that I got to dip into during this course.

The only hang-up I had was with the hair particles. Even after applying scale they would jump back to pointing upside down after leaving the particle edit mode. So strange. I enabled the dynamic hair setting and that seemed to help. Spent like an hour trying to figure it out.

Still doable in 2.83 just a little tweak as mentioned above. Not sure what the issues are exactly. Hopefully this looks decent though.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Geez, Shawn - You are a MACHINE! Plowing through course after course, new and old, dedicating serious time and effort into the backhoe project, attending all the livestreams...

    It's rare than a student dives in this deeply and even more rare to do at your pace. Please keep sharing your course results + feedback. Just don't burn out! At least not before we finish the backhoe 😅

    As for the particle scale issue, admittedly I haven't used hair particles in several months..its possible the devs changed something. I'll be getting way into them soon for my portrait course though 👌

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Great work Shawn, Kent is right , you really are a machine! Keep up the great work :) 

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    Thanks all. I actually feel like I am behind in so many ways. I signed up for a bunch of learning flows a while back and I am only now just starting to go through them. So much to learn, good thing I have time on my side.

    I think I have hit a decent groove and am not working too fast or too hard., hopefully. I have just cut down on less productive time in more areas of my life.

  • Karen Trevino(ketre) replied

    Wow 💓

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    Thanks ketreÂ