Lighting Exercices


Here's my 4 movie scenes. 

Hellraiser was the one who gave most trouble. But, i think i got the character mood.

Overall, IT is my favorite lighting scene, simple and effective.

I have to call it final, else i'll be working and tweaking the lights for ever.

  • Mike (mikewalker) replied

    Is there a problem with the forum ?

    It's my 4th time i try to upload my images.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey Mike! Here's a test:

    Edit: seems to work ok. Perhaps they're too big? If the file size is large, try either using Imgur or uploading as a jpg instead of a png. 

  • Mike (mikewalker) replied

  • Mike (mikewalker) replied

    @jlampel  hey! thanks, JL

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Really nice work on these! I don't have much to say in terms of critique (it's a bit hard to see the originals in detail), but from what I can see it looks like you're on the money. Nice use of color and variety in moods.