yellowish baking map

posted to: Baking with Cycles

So I've been trying to bake a map of my sculpture but it always comes as full yellow/green ? I've tried use cage and multiple different settings 

 here's also the file 

  • of Nodes & Noodles(gcs_dev) replied

    Hi Bruno. That looks like a Normals issue. Try recalculating normals (Shift-N) in Edit Mode for both the HiPoly and LoPoly models and try to bake again.

  • of Nodes & Noodles(gcs_dev) replied

    Yeah. I downloaded your file and had a look. You need to flip the normals of the LoPoly model.

    Also, to use your normal map when it is successfully baked you should set the Image Texture node to Non-Color, then connect its output to a Normal Map node (found under Add->Vector->Normal Map), and finally connect the output of the Normal Map node to the Normals input of your Principled Shader.

    I hope that helps.

  • Bruno Moreno(trasketo) replied

    thanks it fixed ;D

  • of Nodes & Noodles(gcs_dev) replied

    Cool! I'm glad it helped.