mirrored parts "split" when rotated...

does the modifier have to be applied before the rotation works?

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey, are you rotating in edit mode or in object mode? If you have a different object set as the mirror origin, you'll need to rotate that object as well. I don't think you should need to apply the mirror, unless you're working on a part I'm not thinking of. A screenshot would help if the above doesn't solve your issue. 

  • 123dan replied

    Thank you i fixed it but i don't know exactly how haha. Yesterday i applied all transforms and set the origin of stuff somewhere useful a bunch of times but it didn't help. Today i re-applied all transforms without the mirror modifiers and it just works. idk... anyway there's a screen of what it looked like. the mirrored parts rotated in the opposite direction...  

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Gotcha! Glad that it's fixed. My guess from the screenshot is that it's mirrored around that empty instead of the barrel or itself. That totally works too, but the empty then needs to be parented to whatever is doing the rotating.