Direction of the ball squash and stretch

In previous ball animations, I looked at the ball like its "head" is on its top. with the new squirrely ball with a tail, the head is obviously on the front.
When I look at the squash and stretch of this one because the squash and stretch have the same volume and are about 45 degrees of each other it looks to me more like swimming than jumping.
I would've thought that the squash should have the direction of the jump for being more squashy (90 degrees of the stretch). but that would probably require two squash frames and would be less appealing.
I'm looking at squirrel references and can't find a good solution, maybe you can add the tailed ball model and rig to the downloads section? I want to play with it to see if I'm missing something

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    squash and stretch are in the same direction and usually from top to bottom... squash is the compression of (for example) a sphere from top to bottom making it's center (equator) bulge out, stretch is the opposite of that from top to bottom it gets longer making it's center go inward... but the movement is still best thought of as vertical direction...

    so squash happens as the sphere is landing on the ground (being compressed) and stretch happens when it jumps off the ground

    hope this helps

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    The squash and stretch should be kept in-line with the path of action.