Baking Diffuse Texture

Hello guys! I've got a problem with baking a diffuse texture in blender. I need to have smooth edges on my baked texture (actually they are rough, see the image below), but I can't find a setting that can smooth them. I think it was called bleed or something like that. Somebody help! 😂

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    korneisgibnev098 I believe to set the margin when Baking: if you look at your picture on the right menu there on your Render Settings: Look under the "Bake" drop-down you should see the "Output" Sub-Drop-Down and then the Margin. Looks like yours is set to 16 px. Is that what you are looking for?

    Clear Image check box is also handy if you need to clear it off for the next bake

  • Kornei Sgibnev(korneisgibnev098) replied

    No, it's not margin. Even with margin at 0 I'm getting the same result-the edges on my image are too sharp/rough. Don't really know what to do...

  • smurfmier1985 replied


    Bleed is in the texture paint tool settings:

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 Thanks Miranda.  Darn I was close, haha.  Hopefully that works for korneisgibnev098