How to "lock" the brush radius in texture paint mode?

Hello, I have an issue that is related with the size of the radius (doing zoom in or zoom out). Is it a way to "lock" the radius, no matter the zoom factor? Thanks in advance! L

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    Hey luis88luis , Let me see if I understand your question correctly. Are you asking if there is a way to make the size of the brush maintains it's "true size" when you zoom in and zoom out?
    So lets say you have an object 1 blender unit tall and you have a brush radius set to 0.5 blender units. No matter howyou zoom you want the radius of the brush to occupy the 0.5 unit size. Is that correct?

    I am not sure I know of a setting that does this. But I think I know a way to help. If you hit the period key on the numpad with the main object selected you will reset to an overall zoom where the object takes up most of the view. If you set your brush radius while that zoom is active then as you are moving around in your scene looking at things or looking close up you can get into a rough position and then use the numbpad period key to go to the zoom level that gives you the correct brush radius result every time.

    I know that's probably not what you are exactly looking for but it is an idea. You could always remap the shortcut key to that object zoom to something else if you don't have a numbpad.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hi Luis, I don't know if this is an option for you, but if you paint in the Image Editor, instead of in the 3D Viewport, zooming doesn't affect the size of the painted strokes.

  • Shawn Blanch(blanchsb) replied

    I just noticed this last night before I went to bed. Yeah, Spikey is on the right track.