my cloud not even close that your

Hi i've followed your tuto point by point but at the moment to verlay the shape cloud with the noise the resultat is hugely different !

My node looks like your with the exact same values.

I tried to adapt with all i got, the result is very ... discutable :)

Attached an example at 16' of the tuto (Upload image doesn't work)

Do you know what is happening ? What could I do wrong ?


  • Kent Trammell replied

    Your image looks similar to the way my clouds looked at this point. I recommend following along again from there.

  • unkilling replied

    Thanks for your answer Kent

    I've follow the Abridged Recording. Is it the same timing ?

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Yes it's just a trimmed version of the full-length video. So all the instruction is the same 👌