Help me out with some feedback please

Hello my dear Community members,

at the moment I'm practicing sculpting with blender 2.8. I had my hands on this imp bust and I'd like to ask you guys for your feedback (on the head, I didn't work on the neck and upper body parts).

My goal was to create a long face with a pretty long jaw (from back to front). I also wanted it to have a flat and wide nose. For now I didn't want to sculpt in details like wrinkles or similar. It's only about proportions and contours.

To specify this a little more, I'd like to hear any kind of feadback. Does this look like an orc or an imp to you guys? Or is there a face recogniseable? Is the jaw to thin or whatever comes to your mind. Please.

If this screenshot isn't enough please let me know and I try to give some more pictures.

Thanks in advance and greetings,

  • Tomas Plasil(tomasplasil) replied

    Hey...what did you use as a reference?

  • tobles replied

    Hey tomasplasil ,
    I used this picture as a kind of reference to get the head in shape. It is not realy what I was going for, but the best that I could find for what I was going to do.

  • Tomas Plasil(tomasplasil) replied

    I think you should find way more, this picture doesn't really have that much information in it. Look up some drawings of human faces, with highlighted planes, a human skull (or a skull of some prehistoric human ancestor maybe, or a monkey skull), maybe some animals that share similar features with what youre going for. But mostly human, even though this is a goblin you can make most of the structure based on human anatomy. 

     You can use PureRef to organize all the references. When something looks weird on your sculp, its usually because youre trying to do it from imagination or memory, but the thing is, we dont really know how most things are really shaped :D So you need a lot of reference to make something look believable.