Bake in blender 2.8

Im lost when the topic is bake in blender 2.8.

I don't know the proper way to bake in blender 2.8, a lot of courses uses Blender render for example the course PANCAKE HOBO and a lot more. Thank you.

  • Tomas Plasil(tomasplasil) replied

    I think its pretty similar as in previous versions. You go to the properties editor -> render tab. Set the render engine to cycles and go to the bake sub menu, and toggle selected to active. There you choose what you want to bake, select the object youre baking from first and then the object youre baking onto. You fiddle with the ray distance or put a cage object around it. It the same process as before, just the menu looks a bit different.

    I bake normals in substance painter though, in my experience it cannot even be compared to blender. It just always seems to produce clean results with just minimal tweaks to the settings, which I rarely experienced in blender :D