Bevel behaving strange. Need help identifying problem

For some reason bevel is not coming out symmetric as you can see below

but when I select more edges it bevels straight across.

any ideas why the first case is coming out lopsided?

I checked for extra geometry, and the scale. Both sides are symmetric down to .0001 prior to the bevel, so I am confused why its so warped.

  • nosfero32 replied

    Looks like its actually a bug. You can reproduce it from the default cube as shown in this blend file. 

    reported it to blender developers. First time discovering a reproducible bug.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Nice work reporting it, thank you! 

  • nosfero32 replied

    I was convinced I was just doing something wrong. Seems like these sort of issues are usually due to duplicate geometry or scale being unapplied. Nice to have the developers confirm it.