How to add text to a surface


How do you add some text to a face when a material is already attached?

Thank you

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hi there, you can either add a text object to the scene and place it on the face, or use a texture with some text on it and apply it to the material. You'll likely need to UV unwrap the object to make sure it's in the right spot. 

  • polyrom3d replied


    ok it is not a simple text, also with a logo etc. So with the texture, what if I have already a material on it? I cant have 2 textures though ;) thanks

  • panboy replied

    you can merge many textures together in material nodes, if your logo/text has an alpha so its background is transparent, you can use that to combine the two textures.

    IE make a colour mix node, Add Diffuse texture to top colour slot, add Logo texture to bottom colour slot, and use the alpha from the logo file as the mix factor.

    You can do the same thing with mixing 2 shader nodes.

    If you don't have a Alpha on the logo, you can also use a colour ramp node and create a mask from the colours of the logo and text

    Here's an example of how you can set it up as described.

  • polyrom3d replied

    thank you :)