Original Black bezier, how to hide or get rid of it.


How can i get rid or hide the orgiginal bezier after extruding (beveling) the target shape. it still showing the bezier curve in back color. im in blender 2.8., thanks.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    You have 2 main options:

    1. Non-Destructive Organization - You can simply store and hide your bezier objects in a collection in the Outliner. Collections are very powerful but at the basic level you can hide their contents in the viewport and/or render as well as disable selectability. But by storing and hiding your bezier you maintain their contribution to the scene in case you want to make any changes later.

    2. Destructive application - The word "destructive" sounds intense but there's nothing wrong with this option. Basically if you have your bezier bevel design the way you want them you can simply convert it to a mesh object with the Object menu > Convert to > Mesh from [a bunch of object types including "Curve"]. After conversion you can delete the left over bezier objects. This method is "destructive" because you can't change the parameters of the beziers after conversion. Which is totally fine if you're 100% sure you wont' want to do that.