Wiggly lines in the 3D-Viewport

Hello, I have noticed that in your videos the display always seems clean and sharp. In my viewport in object mode the lines are all wiggly and that is very irritating. Is there a way to get rid of this problem? Am I missing a setting for my 3D-Viewport? My normals are correct and I have no double verticies but also the normal display is somewhat messed up.

Thanks for your help :-)

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Whoa, that is strange! I've never seen that before. Since you have no modifiers applied, I'm reasonably sure that that's a bug! You can report it here: https://developer.blender.org/ 

  • Philip Rampa(philip79) replied

    Thank you Jonathan for the quick answer. I have made a bug report on the site you have posted. :-)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hi Philip, is this just in this file? 

    This is not just irritating, but absolutely unworkable.

    Could you please provide a link to your .blend? (Unless this happens all the time.)

    I have not been able to reproduce this effect. Your mesh is partially see-through...

  • Philip Rampa(philip79) replied

    Hi spikeyxxx 

    it has happend before but I noticed it much more in this exercise. But it does not happen all the time.  :-)

    Here a link to the .blend file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=16PLQecdBfXM2_44julqBZBlWLQAzcRL5

  • Philip Rampa(philip79) replied

    I have reported the bug but it was appearantly my fault. :-) I have been told I have set too high a range for the depth buffer. The near clipping plane is set to 0.01 cm, and end clipping plane to 1km. This is what causes such flickering. 

    If I set the near clipping to 1cm it is gone. :-)

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot) replied

    philip79  This is not necessarily a bug. I believe its a display anomaly that occurs when the zbuffer has to work with extreme ranges and loses precision because of that.

    For the practical solution to this, it occurs when you are working with extreme sizes and/or work with extreme clipping ranges in the camera. Both are interlinked (you can't have a really large models and not have to adjust your clipping range).

    I would check the size of your model, its probably really large. Try scaling it down by 0.01 (or even more), frame it with . (numpad) and see what happens.

    I could recreate this "bug" (its not) by simply scaling up a cube that intersected a plane:

  • Philip Rampa(philip79) replied

    Thank you Jan-Willem

    you are absolutely right! It was my fault and not a bug. I have deleted the bug-report. I had the range from 0.01 cm to 1km. When I increase the minimum to 1cm it is gone. :-) Thank you.

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot) replied

    Awesome, glad to hear it helped. You are most welcome! :)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Glad it's solved.

    Thank you 3dioot !

    I noticed that in Camera View, everything looks normal and if I open it without Load Ui it also looks OK, but hadn't made the clipping plane connection yet.