Alt-clicking on the top edge leaves one corner out

When I alt-click on the top edge it leaves this corner out,and when I flatten the selection, that corner edge becomes uneditable and another line appears.
This happens on both front corners, although the weird edges only appear when in wireframe mode on the other side.

  • cedricksusername replied

    Nevermind, redid the tutorial and found the problem. Turns out I forgot to remove the mirror modifier on the middle bracket.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    It looks like you've got multiple verts on top of each other on the excluded edge. I recommend you try fixing with this:

    • Go to vertex selection in Edit Mode and wireframe view
    • Box-select all vertices at the bottom of the mesh
    • Then go to Vertex > Merge Vertices > By Distance

    That should all you to ALT + Select that bottom edge loop.