Rigid body dynamics selected but not behaving so.

I was running render tests in preparation for posting this exercise and discovered:

1. On my slide, the small ball no longer collides with the dominos at the end of the ramp. All dominos were droppingl as expected. I made no changes  prior to testing  that would abruptly prevent the small ball and dominos from interacting as rigid bodies should and did. 

2. My flying domino is not visible in render mode

3.Particles that were emitting from the flying domino no longer emit.

So.....What have I done to sabotage this simple project.

I've attached a link to my dropbox with the .blend file.   https://www.dropbox.com/s/45i2bwi80iuv1zq/exercise.dominoes.1.blend?dl=0 

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Many thanks,


  • tanya (tanya53) replied


     2. You need to check the show emitter box in the particle section, otherwise it isn't rendered.

  • spikeyxxx replied


    Hello Hans, like ttanya53  said.

    For the rest, I don't know what you did to mess this up so much;)

    I removed the Rigid Body from the flying domino, because that was somehow conflicting with the Particle System and it is animated anyway, so I didn't see any reason for it to be part of the Rigid Body sim.

    The Interface looks like it comes from 2.79, so I copy/pasted everything (apart from the floor, I forgot that because it was hidden..) from 2.80 into 2.79b and there it worked. Then I saved it and opened it in 2.80. It seems to work now:

    Here's a link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nm3wky58jifx05i/exercise.dominoes_fix.blend?dl=0Describe

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Also, if you look at the difference in file size, I guess there was something in your file, that didn't belong there, that was messing things up. Couldn't find it though;)

  • Hans Salheiser(tytis_52) replied

    Thanks Tanya,

    I mistakenly turned off the"Show emitter box" thinking it would show the actual emitter. Great!

    Speaking of which, I tried parenting a simple square plane to my flying domino as my particle emitter plate at the base of the domino. When I launched the domino, the emitter plate followed the domino like its tethered on a bungee cord. How can I get the emitter plate to follow exactly with the domino as it spins and flies?

    Thanks for your time!

  • Hans Salheiser(tytis_52) replied

    Hello Spikeyxxx

    Thanks for your help and suggestions. The interface was done entirely in 2.8, so I don't know how the oddities got there, but by clearing some of the junk in my files I got it running properly again. I noticed that when I would try to bake the dynamic action of all the dominos falling after the ball hit, on the next run the ball no longer had rigid body physics and would just pass through the dominos. so I just reversed out the dynamic bake.

    I appreciate your time to look at and work on this problem for me!


  • tanya (tanya53) replied

    Hi,  I agree it acts like a bungee cord.  It works,I think, if you make a vertex group out of the face on the domino and then instead of parenting use the copy location restraint  with the target as the domino and the vertex as that group.  

    We're definitely getting into areas I am not that knowledgeable about.  The dominoes look neat, you should post it what it is finished.

  • Hans Salheiser(tytis_52) replied

    Hi Tanya,

    Good suggestion, and  one which I'll try to implement after I render and submit this exercise so that I can learn how its done. 

    I've just experienced too many issues with this exercise to risk making changes it at this point.

    Thanks for taking the time.
