Dynamic Pivoting in Sculpting

Is there a way to adjust settings in Blender that would dynamically change the pivot point to the area of the mesh in which one is sculpting?

I'm creating hair and I've set the pivot point to the middle of the sphere mesh. This is good as I form the basic shape, but as I begin to hone in on locks of hair to pull out the pivot needs to be changed. And as I go from lock to new lock I need to change the pivot. Things would flow much better if the active area was the pivot point.

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot) replied

    If I remember correctly all you have to do is enable "Orbit around selection" in preferences under Navigation. This will have you orbit around your last brush stroke in sculpt mode.

  • keenan18 replied

    That is awesome. Thanks.

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot) replied

    Your welcome! :)