Zbrush: Should I buy it?

Hey my fellow CGCookie monsters :D,

I had a stroll on Pixologics site and I was wondering if I should buy one of their products called "ZBrushCore 2018". Anybody of you guys know something about this product or has experience with this?

@theluthier can you tell me something about it?


  • concrescence replied

    I'd just stick to blender and master it. I do hear about this Zbrush thing allot tough what even is it? Why not stick to an FOSS in the spirit of the internet.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    I just saw this tweet and it seems relevant: 

    I'd suggest waiting to buy it until you've truly hit the limits of what Blender can do. With the new sculpting overhaul in 2.81, that'll take quite some time! 

  • William Miller(williamatics) replied

    I don't see how FOSS is "in the spirit of the internet".  Sometimes (almost all the time, actually) software that costs money is better than free software.

  • concrescence replied

    its because information wants to be free. The whole cyberpunk ethic. Check out the cyberpunk documentary on youtube. Think about doom which prospered by shareware, and companies like Tesla giving their patents out or whatever.

  • concrescence replied

    I think if it is open sourced and free people will contribute to it and make it better. It much more customizable for lack of a better word. Wikipedia also comes to mind, I mean I am not against capitalism or anything but I do feel like the internet is a devine type of thing a noospherical thing. My dad does astrology and he always is telling me how you never supposed to pay for those kind of services like casting a chart etc...

  • William Miller(williamatics) replied

    I don't really understand what you're saying.  How can information "want" to be free?  What's cyberpunk?  What are shareware and Tesla?  Also, I don't mean to be rude, but astrology is completely fake and just a bunch of superstition.

  • tobles replied

    Hey guys,

    thanks for the reply @jlampel . At this point I guess I should stick to blender. But has anybody experience with ZBrush that (s)he can share? And does anybody have an opinion on the ZBrushCORE software? I spend some time reading about it but I couldn't really figure out which parts of ZBrush are included and which aren't. Somebody know about this?


  • cooljjj33 replied

    Hi there, 

    I agree, stick with Blender until you can make something complex without following a tutorial. I purchased a copy ZBrush Core and I was quite disappointed with it, for me it was even more difficult to learn than Blender initially and in addition the Core version is very stripped down in terms of features compared to the full version.  In the end I stuck to Blender and with more of the sculpt branch being merged into master it is becoming closer and closer to ZBrush.


  • concrescence replied

    I dont mind, I think its superstition too, but Tesla the car company. Just watch the documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRwU9zJcT60

  • concrescence replied

    sorry but you dont seem to know much of the history of the Internet.