Draw on the video sequence

posted to: Stomp Kick I

Hey Wayne, in Blender 2.8 I find it hard to annotate and trace the reference footage. 

When I am in the "movie clip editor" pane I always need to click on the draw button after every stroke. 

Do you know how can I enable it so I can just keep drawing strokes without every time clikcing on the draw button after every stroke?

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hi Sergey, I don't think you can set it to keep drawing, but if you right click on the Draw button, you can assign a Shortcut to it (like D, for instance) and you can press D to draw, or keep D pressed to keep on drawing;)

  • Serg (comicsserg) replied

    ow ok strange

    I will try to assign they hotkey to it :) thanks for the tip