making "borders" for coloring and shadows


I am fairly new to digital painting and have this really basic question.
Let's say you scan some lineart...then you want to fill with colors and stuff, right??
So, how do I keep the lines as "borders" when I paint with the brush so that nothing "spills over" so to speak. I want to brush brush brush but always keep within the line-border.

Thanks in advance (I am certain this is covered somewhere but I'm feeling very lazy and slow atm ;)

  • jamesley replied

    ssplokk  Select the vertexes that you want to color then go into texture paint mode. In the top left (left of the view icon) you have the paint mask option which will allow you to texture only the selected area in edit mode.Or else from the stroke menu with the draw brush you can try the line or curve method to get perfect lines and curves.

  • Mirza Kurtiz(splokk) replied

    jjamesley dude I am not even working with vertexes???

  • jamesley replied

    ssplokk I really misunderstood what you mean.I had not seen the category sorry .... xD

  • Jonathan Lampel replied