BC1-1908 Homework, Antoine


Chest Week #1 -

I'm still working on it, but this is what I have completed so far.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    antoineflorian Welcome to the class, Antoine! Your chest is turnout out well. Seeing as you're still working on it, in case you're not already planning on doing this, I think that tweaking the overall proportions of the chest would be a good choice.

    Do you find the course easy to follow and keep up with?

  • Antoine Florian(antoineflorian) replied

    @theluthier Yes, it is easy to follow along. My biggest issue is that I end up feeling overwhelmed and then it takes me a while to remotivate myself so that I can continue. Do you have any advice on how to deal with staying motivated?

  • odunov replied

    antoineflorian I'm not as experience as Kent, obviously and it's my own personal experience but over the last two or so years, I found that if your motivation comes from being excited or happy about 3d momentarily, it's not really reliable. Sticking to a routine -even a vague one- and pushing yourself to be disciplined about it as much as you can works better. Even just firing up Blender and working 10-20 minutes (usually, once you get going, you work for more than that) every day snowballed into working as much as I need to in some months. And if you're feeling overwhelmed, did you try breaking the course down into daily bits? Planning on how much of a course you'll watch in a day is really helpful.

    Nice looking chest and I like the rivets. Good luck!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    antoineflorian drgnclw gives great advice. Motivation can be a real hurdle to getting stuff accomplished in 3D, same with feeling overwhelmed. I think a lot of people underestimate how complex 3D is and when they find that out, it kills the interest/motivation. This was true for me in the beginning.

    But what keeps me motivated is the end goal. If I'm modeling the treasure chest, it's the vision of how cool the thing will look when it's finished - that's what keeps me going. In college it was the dream of doing this professionally that kept me motivated to do my best work and graduate [almost] top of my class.

    The end goal is always what gets me excited and keeps me motivated through my 3D projects / learning. When the end goal gets blurry or starts feeling too far away, that's when my motivation wains. So I encourage you to remember why you started learning and nurture that throughout the project.

    Sorry for the wall of text. But motivation is one of the biggest hurdles for new artists. Hope that helps :)

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    antoineflorian You've been getting a lot of dapper advice here, but if you wanted a bit more related reading material, there was this thread I made a little over a year about growing dissatisfied with my work (not quite what you're having problems with but could be useful) and this thread which is a lot more in line with what you are dealing with, about feeling overwhelmed. I definitely recommend you give at least the latter thread a read, as I really think it could help you. Good luck with your submissions!