BC1-1908 Homework - Ciku


I'll be posting my homework stuff here. Comments and corrections are highly welcome.

  • ciku-karugi replied

    Tried to render again but... 

  • ciku-karugi replied

    Well, I am proud of myself... I saw this through even if not till the very last end. I have no idea what to do now, the way that my computer is acting, I don't know where to go from here. So I am posting  a screenshot of my model, it won't win any awards or anything, hahaha, but I'm still proud of it. I have a long way to go in terms of conceptualizing before I even start modelling, texturing, shading, lighting and so on. However, I have learnt a very dear lesson, it is sort of a cliche, but an important lesson nevertheless, and that is not to give up. Thank you guys (spikey, matthew, mona, silentheart, miranda and Kent): I seriously would have had a really difficult time going it alone. I have learnt a lot from you all. Cheers!

  • ciku-karugi replied

    n647 that's the problem that I have too. I ticked the box on the "use the local camera", then chose camera under "local camera" but I left it on. Unchecking the box makes it revert back to "house". How did you fix yours?

  • n647 replied

    cciku-karugi sadly not sure how to fix it, but just make sure to manually set the proper camera on the local camera on the right panel, and check on scene that the camera is the proper one and not a random object.
    Not sure why this happens hopefully someone can clear that up.

  • ciku-karugi replied

    n647 That worked like a charm! Thank you n647 :)))

  • spikeyxxx replied

    cciku-karugi Glad you've got it figured out!

    I wouldn't have been much help here, because I've never ticked Use Local Camera. As far as I know, that is for when you have more than one camera in your scene, so you can easily switch between camera views. (Although it is possible to set it any Object, even if it's not a Camera, that is something that you would rarely want!). The Camera in the Scene tab is the default camera and I think that it is logical that it reverts back to that. And I have no idea, what magical formula you have used to set that to anything else than a Camera.

    Lock Camera to View is something I also never used; don't know what it's doing exactly. Although I can imagine that it can be useful;)

  • n647 replied

    cciku-karugi  happy I was able to help

  • Kent Trammell replied

    cciku-karugi I'm sorry to hear about the technical issues that hindered your progress. You've got the right attitude though: Never giving up crucial! As long as you learned this month, that's the truest victory. And I'll toss you some points for the effort and troubleshooting this week.

    I have a long way to go in terms of conceptualizing before I even start modelling, modelling, texturing, shading, lighting and so on

    A lot of people are the same way. My first few years of learning 3D was me being too eager to start making something without putting much effort into what I was making. Only in the past 4 or 5 years have I starting taking ownership of the conceptualizing part of creation. Sounds like you've already caught on to that way before I did 😅

    Thanks for participating in the class this month. Hopefully I will see you in the next one :)

  • ciku-karugi replied

    spikeyxxx haha, I didn't set it to anything spikey. I had deleted it earlier while modelling and then added it back later on (shading and rendering). But thank you :)

  • ciku-karugi replied

    @theluthier Ha! The past three weeks have shown me the importance of conceptualizing at the very start: at the very least it saves one time, helps one avoid last minute rushes and so on. I'm glad I joined this class.

    I am definitely going take part in the next class. Thank you again, Kent, for your help and such!