BC1-1908 Homework-Spikeyxxx


The story goes, that when admiral Nelson was shot at the battle of Trafalgar, it was decided to bury him at land and to conserve his body, it was put in a barrel of rum. Now the ordinary seamen didn't know about this and went on with their custom to drill a small hole in the barrel and suck out the rum through a straw.

Since then, in sailor's slang, rum is called 'Nelson's blood'.

I've been using Blender for about six years and still have never modelled a barrel; time to change that.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Slowly getting there.

    This was the 'boring' part. Nothing difficult, but it has to be done;)

    Now I'll have to take a break and hopefully I can do some more work later...

  • odunov replied

    spikeyxxx Looking interesting. The story about rum is creepy :D

  • spikeyxxx replied

    @drgnclw Thanks, dragon! I read about that when I was about thirteen; never forgot it;)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Trying to get a bit of drama in the scene....

    Honestly, I feel like I am making a game environment here;)

    Still got two more days, so I should be able to finish the modelling. 

    First time doing low-poly and stylized. I am very excited about it; always thought that it was above my current level...

    At least I'm having fun!

  • silentheart00 replied

    spikeyxxx Yeah, you're getting there!

    I will say, just some food for thought, the barrel really sticks out compared to the rest of the stylized environment.  It's like two different art styles fighting for attention.  It might be worth sacrificing a little bit of realism and add a touch of stylization to the barrel, to better fit the whole environment.  Just something to think about.  Overall, I'm impressed you have a scene of this scale and the dedication to flesh something like this out.

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    spikeyxxx You’re working fast Spikey! I agree with Silent, but I think you just haven’t gotten to the detailing for the barrel yet, so you’ll probably get to it this weekend. Don’t forget the support beams for the stairs ;)

  • William Miller(williamatics) replied

    spikeyxxx Although it mostly looks great, I agree with what they said, and I also think that the angle of the barrel looks a little bit awkward.  I like how you're doing a whole scene with it; I doubt I could do that in a week.

  • Jack (jack07) replied

    spikeyxxx Interdimensional barrel aside, I have to say that your stylized wood looks amazing! How many unique planks did you do? I can't tell where they repeat!

  • spikeyxxx replied

    silentheart00 Thank you silent!

    I totally agree that the barrel sticks out too much, 'stylewise'. I was already aware of that, but don't know what to do about that yet, so I decided to finish the environment first and then address the barrel issue.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    ssmurfmier1985 Thanks Miranda!

    Don't worry, I won't let the stairs just float in the air; that will do for a magical scene, but not for this one;)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    williamatics Thank you William!

    I didn't carefully place the barrel (or the crates, camera and the support beam, for that matter). I will try and fix that at the end, but comments like yours really help me to see where the problems are. Thanks for pointing that out!

  • spikeyxxx replied

    jack07 Thanks Jack!

    Should I make this a contest? How many unique planks are used in this scene?

    Okay, I'll tell you: I was lazy and modelled only three planks. Only the support beam is different, because it has two sides next to each other that need splitting. (I hope I'll be able to use it on the stairs as well...)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    jack07 One of my math professors used to say: "A good mathematician is bot lazy and smart." ('lui en listig'.)

    And Kent also said: "Work smarter, not harder!"

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    spikeyxxx oeh I like that stuff your math professor used to say ^^

  • spikeyxxx replied

    There you go Miranda, finished the stairs...

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    spikeyxxx looking good 😎

  • spikeyxxx replied

    ssmurfmier1985 Thanks! It was fun;)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Finished the crates. Had to model one more plank for this to work, so now the whole scene uses a grand total of five different pieces of wood...

    This is getting close to being finished, as far as the modelling is concerned. But I will get a lot of practice hand painting the textures;)

    Time for a break then I'll see what still can be done today (if anything...).

  • spikeyxxx replied

    There was some highly visible repetition going on! 

    Aren't you paying attention? LOL.

    Anyway, fixed that and added a bit more detail. I'll have to stop adding things now...

    I'll go with this and just try to 'fix' the barrel tomorrow...

    Maybe I'll just hand paint a Bump map to add some minor grooves in the wood of the barrel to make it more consistent with the rest of the scene?

    I will sleep on it. 

    After all, the barrel is the main focus, so having it stand out a bit shouldn't be too bad???

    Let me know what you think and I'll reconsider what to do tomorrow.

    Thanks for watching! I certainly need the extra eyes...

    I won't ignore any advice; I will try it out, even if I think it's no good! 

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    spikeyxxx Nice! Good composition, and the details on everything look great :) I think you only have to match the style of the barrel with the rest of the scene and you’re good to go!

    Maybe a displacement modifier could help with some randomness extra detail? Or some adjusted generated textures in the displacement slot of your material. Just a thought. It’s a lot less work than painting a bump map.