Blender Torrent

Hey guys, I was just wondering if someone would set up a torrent for blender 2.8. Also I encourage everyone to seed blender 2.78. Ask me for the link if you are interested in this win win situation.

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    I don't really understand torrents , so can you explain how this would be a win - win situation?

    From my personal experience , it is very easy to download and install Blender from .

    Years back , when torrents became a big thing , I always understood them as being ways to download big files , or pirated games/films/programs. Maybe I am missing somehing though? 

  • concrescence replied

    frikkr "One thing that has always annoyed me is how much FOSS" (free open source software) "isn't being shared through P2P. Distributing software can not only potentially improve download speeds for the user (especially for large projects), but reduce server loads for the host, and therefore reduce overall costs; it's a win-win. In addition, if the file-host ever happens to go down (and it has happened), is attacked, or has its connection is tampered with one can still obtain a legitimate copy of the software through other people.
    Because the GNU allows redistribution of FOSS I've taken the initiative of creating a torrent out of these files. So here you go."

    The uploader has explained it to some extent.

  • concrescence replied

    concrescence bump (still using 2.8)