background images missing?


I'm learning the "Game Character Modeling with Blender" course. I came across the situation that background images were set up to lose pictures badly. Here's the picture. I don't know where the problem is.

I tried to reinstall blender to fix it, but it still couldn't solve the problem. Every time I opened the file, there was still no background images.

  • Phillip Capon(train30) replied

    Make sure the image axis is set to the correct view (in your example image that would be camera) and double check that you are in orthographic view. I think 2.79 background images only in orthographic. Also background images don't display when you change to a different view.

  • collini jou(collini) replied

    train30 Thank you for your kind reply.

    This is a screenshot of the same file on my office computer. The settings are as follows. The opening is completely normal. The problem is that with the same files, the background images cannot be displayed on the home computer.

  • Markus Berg(thebergh) replied

    So you mean that after setting up the images, doing some work, then saving your file, the images are gone the next time you open? And you open on the same computer as you saved it?

  • Phillip Capon(train30) replied

    ccollini Are  opening the same blend file on your home computer or are you trying to recreate it at home? Simplest problem would be that the file path breaks when you change machines and you just have to reopen the image, but I think you're saying something else is going on?

  • collini jou(collini) replied

    thebergh yes.The image of  same blender file are gone the next time open.But this file can open correctly on office computer.

  • collini jou(collini) replied

    train30 This file was recreated in home,but home computer open it,the images was gone.Strangely,office computer can open it coreectly.

    If you need any screenshots, I can provide them. Now I'm learning to stop in this position. Every time I open the file, I have to reload the picture and adjust the angle. It's very troublesome.

  • Markus Berg(thebergh) replied

    ccollini Definitely sounds strange! Must be something going on with your home computer... difficult to help without more information... just to make sure....are the images removed just like in your screenshot? "Background Images" unchecked, no images at all every time you open the .blend file? Or are the images still added, but can't be seen?

    I did a search online and could just find a few cases that seemed to be similar to yours. Maybe check this out.... something about Load Ui not checked in your preferences. So that the Blender user interface doesn't remember that you saved the images.

  • collini jou(collini) replied

    thebergh At first time,i checked this options about on "blender User Preferences/File/Load UI",in fact ,it don't be selected.

    Thank you very much,Dear Markus Berg!Above reference resources helped me,the problem was solved.Thank you again:)