Blender 2.80 Beta May 27 build Collision help(edited)

I need help my collision is not working I tried undoing and redoing the collision and I tried applying the scale of the Collision object and I tried closing the file and reopen it please help here is a screenshot and my blind file( update to send it to fasterI turned down the particles)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hi jesse, you didn't provide  a link to your .blend file, so I can only guess...

    First, you will need to apply the scale of your emitter.

    Second, did you put a Physics > Collision on your collision object? It is not enough to have Collision enabled in your Particle System.

    I tested the May 27th build of 2.80 and everything seems to work normally.

  • jesse94 replied

    spikeyxxx  sorry about that I forgot here the blend file I did apply the scale of the Emitter and as well as apply a Collision to the Collision object and it still don't work

  • spikeyxxx replied

    jjesse94 Well jesse, it appears to be a matter of scale( ie size). Select everything and scale it down to a reasonable size, like 1 or 2 meters. Some 'Suzanne's' might still fall through, but the general behaviour will be a lot better! 

    With some tweaking you'll be able to get it perfect. (Maybe more geometry on the Collision object?)

    Let me know if this helps, please.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    jjesse94 As to make it more clear: it's a physics simulation and each particle calculates the distance to the nearest vertex of the collider. If that vertex is 50 metres away, it won't 'see' it. So: sometimes size does matter!

    I hope this helps.

  • jesse94 replied

    spikeyxxx I scaled everything down and give the Collision more geometry and I even put a solidify modifier on it but it still don't work here's the updated blend file

  • spikeyxxx replied

    jjesse94 I mean really scale it down, your collider is still kilometers large.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    jjesse94 This is what I get with your file after scaling everything down: