extrude boundary edge

Hi, is it possible to extrude this mesh outward from the boundary?

I tried extrude and cancel then scale, also inner extrude, and finally bevel but so far no can do.

thank you

  • silentheart00 replied

    Yeah, you should be able to.  By "extrude and cancel" what buttons are you pressing?  Could you also provide the .blend file so we can take a look?

  • imparare replied


    thank you - file attached to original post. Does not seem to work where I have a concave corner

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hi imparare, that is indeed a tricky problem. I do not know a perfect way to do this, but what sort of works is use Inset Faces: select everything and then inset (so: A I). This can give you a nice even boundary, but then your total mesh is still the same size as it was before and here is where the whole problem lies; when you try to scale everything up, it doesn't scale the way you want. Although it does scale evenly away from the pivot point, what you want is 'even scaling according to the mesh' and this is not possible, as far as I know. (Maybe it is  a task that Python can handle?)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    iimparare Hi again, I remembered now, Kent Trammel taught us a trick! Give your 'plane' some thickness, Extrude, cancel the transform and then scale along the normals  Alt S). Then remove the 'thickness topology' again.

    In your case, you might want to dissolve the vertices on the edges...

  • spikeyxxx replied

    iimparare Also, when using Alt S, you can set it to Offset Even, so won't need to dissolve any vertices.

  • imparare replied


    thank you. Its a solution and at least I was not missing something obvious

    thanks again