Overwriting 2.79 muscle memory to 2.8 after losing Ctrl + Tab

Well, i thought I was going to struggle alot with the loss of the Ctrl+Tab vertex/face/edge selection shortcut seen as im on a laptop that doesnt have a numpad..

To Emulate or not to Emulate keypad, that is the question...

the dilemma i was faced with was what do I use the 1,2,3 keys for.  Vert and edge selection or quick ortho view selections...

Today i found a happy medium due to an accidental keypress and thought I would share, just in case no ones spotted it yet.

I can switch off the Emulate keypad and use the 1,2,3 keys for the Vertex, Edge and Face selection (still gonna take a little getting used to).  But then I found the 'backtick' key brings up the View pie menu and that made my day.  so heres a quick screenie of what im on about, as this is definitely going to help me workaround 2.8 nuances going forward.

  • Kyle Blaine(arcangel_zero7) replied

    Wow, that's just some brilliant design. How awesome! Maybe I can feel better using Blender on my tiny laptop now? :D

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hi Darren, that is great, but I don't have that key. What I have done is to Emulate Numpad and then use Alt 1, Alt 2, Alt 3 for the Vertex/ Edge/Face Selection.

    You can change that to whatever you like in Preferences > Keymap > 3D View > Mesh > Mesh (Global) > Select Mode.

    I also had the problem of missing shortcuts in 2.79, because I don't have a Numpad, but in 2.80 there are more 'free' keys so it's easier to make your own shortcuts...
  • numbernine replied

    This has actually been in 2.7 for a very long time as well, as an addon called "UI Pie Menu Official". It offers pie menus for a lot of things like that, including render modes. 

  • Darren McBain(oboshape) replied

    numbernine yeah, just found it, and since I dont want to use the Emulate Numpad on my laptop and have to constantly click on Vert/edge/face selection, just made it a whole lot easier for me ;)