CGI or 3D graphics conventions in the UK

Hello All,

Does anyone know of any good CGI / 3D graphics conventions to go to in the UK.

I already know of gaming conventions like EGX and Rezzed but i was hopping to find a convention that was a little more industry based.

things like the Blender conference but in the UK as i cant afford to travel to far.

I would love to actually go to one and not just watch you tube video, maybe even get some critiques on my atrocious work.

  • silentheart00 replied

    First, your work is not atrocious.  In fact, your hard surface modeling work is pretty damn good.  The character could use some more polishing up, but it's still good effort.  Stop underselling yourself and have a little confidence in your abilities.  You're only getting better each time you boot up Blender.

    As for and CG stuff in the UK, I have no idea.  If you want to get your work in front of professionals, try catching one of the critique streams here in the future if you haven't already.  Kent has been very helpful to my work and others' work as well.  Hopefully someone else can chime in and help you with CG events in the UK.  Good luck.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Sorry, not much help here either. Try and google it. Apparently you've just missed Vertex2019 (on 8th march) in London.

    Maybe one day you will be able to go to a Blender conference, I hope you do. (Spoiler: it's really worth it)

  • spikeyxxx replied

    There is also the London Blender day,  june 22. See